"Pranam Brahma" meaning Prana is Brahman is a series of talks organized by the Yogavijnana Foundation to unlock of secrets of Prana from different perspectives. Below are the topics and the dates of the talk.
About the Speakers
1. Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani
Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani is the Director of the Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research (CYTER), and Professor of Yoga Therapy at the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry. He is the son and successor of Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri Guru Maharaj and Yogacharini Kalaimamani Ammaji, Smt Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani.
Achievements & Positions held:
• Recipient of DSc in Yoga from SVYASA Yoga University in January 2019
• Chairman of the International Centre for Yoga Education and Research at Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry
• Chairman of Yoganjali Natyalayam, the premier institute of Yoga and Carnatic Music and Bharatanatyam in Pondicherry
• Recognized Ph.D. guide for Yoga Therapy
• First Indian to be recognized as an IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT) by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, USA
• Honorary Advisor to International Association of Yoga Therapists, Australian Association of Yoga Therapists, World Yoga Foundation, and Gitananda Yoga Associations worldwide
• Currently member of numerous expert committees of the Ministry of AYUSH
o National Board for Promotion of Yoga and Naturopathy
o Scientific Advisory Committee & Standing Finance Committees of CCRYN
o Technical Committee of the Yoga Certification Board
o Expert Committees for Celebration of International Yoga Day and the Yoga & Diabetes program
o Consultant Resource Person for the WHO Collaborative Centre in Traditional Medicine in New Delhi
o EC member and Director Publications of the Indian Yoga Association
o Senior Vice president of the National Yogasana Sport Association
• Gold Medallist in Medical Studies (MBBS) with postgraduate diplomas in both Family Health (PGDFH) as well as Yoga (PGDY)
• Advanced Diploma in Yoga under his illustrious parents in 1991-93
• Fellow of the Indian Academy of Yoga
• Authored 19 DVDs, 26 books, and 32 compilations on Yoga
• Published more than 300 papers, compilations, and abstracts on Yoga and on Yoga research in National and International Journals
• His literary works have more than 2950 Citations
Other talents:
• Classical Indian Vocalist
• Percussionist
• Music Composer
• Choreographer of Indian Classical Dance
He is invited often abroad for talks, public events, workshops and retreats
He is also a major presenter at Yoga conferences in the USA, UK, Europe, South Asia, Australia & New Zealand
Topic: Enhancing our experience of Prana through Pranayama
Date: 12th March 2022, 8pm
2. Mohan Raghavan
Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Biomedical Engineering IIT Hyderabad
Professional accomplishments
Mohan Raghavan researches and teaches at the Department of Biomedical Engineering in the broad area of computational neuroscience and motor systems in particular. His lab is focused on building 3D multiscale multidisciplinary computational models of human movement machinery spread across thespinal cord and its integration it with musculoskeletal systems.
He was founder and Co-Head of the Center for Healthcare Entrepreneurship at IIT Hyderabad from 2015-18 where his work centred around bringing together academic research, design thinking methodologies and healthcare technology for benefit of society at large. He has mentored several startups in the area of healthcare.
He has been a post-doctoral fellow at National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore and holds a PhD in the area of computational neuroscience from IISc, Bangalore. Prior to entering academics, he spent 7 years at Motorola, where he was part of the team that developed the world’s first 3G mobile phone.
Interests in Indic Culture
Mohan is passionate about Indology and researches on Indic concepts using scientific methodologies.Over the last 20 years, he has given numerous lectures in English and Kannada and conducted workshops on the scientific basis of Indicculture. He has contributed numerous articles to web journals and writes regularly in regional newspapers (Kannada). He writes short fiction that deal with cultural themes embedded in a contemporary context. One of his short stories titled ‘One night stand in Hariharapuram’ was published by Penguin as part of the anthology ‘Love stories that touched my heart’.
Topic: Astanga Yoga Concepts of Asana and Pranayama from Neuroscience Perspective
Date: 13th March 2022, 8pm
3. Vidwan Dr. M.A. Alwar
Dr. M A Alwar is a renowned professor of Nyaya Sastra from Govt. Maharaja’s Sanskrit College, Mysore, Karnataka Sanskrit University. He's been a current professor at the university for 20 years, teaching Indian Philosophy and logic texts at the graduate and postgraduate levels. In addition, he has been a research scholar for three years at the Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch in New Delhi &in Rashtriya Sanskrit VidyapeethaTirupathi.
Being the current Hon. Project Director of Transdisciplinary University, Foundation for the revitalization of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore, he is known for the implementation of projects such as:
1. Digital repository of medical manuscripts and books of Karnataka
2. A comprehensive dictionary of Ayurveda from Sanskrit to English&Kannada
3. Critical edition, translation, and publication of rare books of Ayurveda and traditional dietetics and other such projects
He is also an approved guide for M.Phil and Ph.D. students of the Karnataka Sanskrit University who is presently guiding 5 Ph.D. students and has successfully guided 1 M.Phil student.
Along with the said accomplishments, he is an Honorary Associate of the Samskriti Foundation, Mysore, and an Honorary Editor and Advisor for research projects such as:
1. Preparation of comprehensive dictionary of yoga
2. Preparation of an electronic descriptive catalog of manuscripts dealing with science and technology
3. Preparation of the history of the philosophy of Visistadvaita and other projects.
Last but not least, he has authored five books and has edited &published more than 50 books on various topics in his field of expertise.
Topic: Concept of Prana from Upanishads
Date: 19th March 2022, 8pm
4. Dr. Shishir Prasad
Achievements & Positions held:
• Founder President: International Marma Science and Yoga Foundation, Dehradun India
• Associate Professor - Dept. Shalya Tantra, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun
• Clinical Experience in the field of Shalya, Tantra (Surgery) of more than 15 years
• Member Expert Committee on Marma Therapy, CCRAS, Govt of India
• Panel Expert and Author for AYUSH Introductory Curriculum Development for MBBS graduates of AIIMS Rishikesh, India
• Appreciated by The World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows WAFUNIF, UN Headquarters, New York.
• Jury Member in National Biomedical research Competition Organised by AIIMS Rishikesh 2018 and PGI Chandigarh 2019
• Invited as Faculty Member in International Conference on Wound Healing AIIMS Rishikesh 2019
• Invited as Faculty Member in First Steam Ablation in Varicose veins Live Surgical Workshop
• Helped Organising this Live Surgical workshop which was the First in India on an Institutional level related to Varicose Veins at AIIMS Rishikesh
• Have traveled more than a dozen countries across the world which have included delegates from more than 50 Different Nations
• Conducted Ayurveda/Marma Therapy Workshops/Guest Lectures in them, including at Indian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel and Hague, Netherlands
• Have also trained doctors/students/healthcare workers from more than 20 States/UTs in India.
• Training all the Govt Ayurveda Medical Officers/Researchers and Paramedical Staff of Nepal in Batches
M.S. (Shalya Tantra)
P.G. Diploma Yoga
Best Paper Award IEEE International Conference Bangalore 2020
Journal Publications National/International: 24
Book Chapters: 3
Topic: Marma and Prana - Concepts & Clinical Applications
Date: 20th March 2022, 8pm
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Start Date & End Date
Total Classes
1 Subject
9 Learning Materials
47 Courses • 12541 Students
Education and Certifications
Yoga Experience – Teaching since 2010
Corporate Experience – Total 12+ years of experience
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