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"Annam Brahma 2" - Talks

Course Instructor Vidwan Dr. M.A. Alwar


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Course Overview

"Annam Brahma" meaning Food is Brahman is a series of talks organized by the Yogavijnana Foundation to unlock of secrets of Food.  Below are the topics and the dates of the talk.  

About the Speaker

Vidwan Dr. M.A. Alwar

Dr. M A Alwar is a renowned professor of Nyaya Sastra from Govt. Maharaja’s Sanskrit College, Mysore, Karnataka Sanskrit University. He's been a current professor at the university for 20 years, teaching Indian Philosophy and logic texts at the graduate and postgraduate levels. In addition, he has been a research scholar for three years at the Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch in New Delhi &in Rashtriya Sanskrit VidyapeethaTirupathi.

Being the current Hon. Project Director of Transdisciplinary University, Foundation for the revitalization of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore, he is known for the implementation of projects such as:

  1. Digital repository of medical manuscripts and books of Karnataka
  2. A comprehensive dictionary of Ayurveda from Sanskrit to English&Kannada
  3. Critical edition, translation, and publication of rare books of Ayurveda and traditional dietetics and other such projects

He is also an approved guide for M.Phil and Ph.D. students of the Karnataka Sanskrit University who is presently guiding 5 Ph.D. students and has successfully guided 1 M.Phil student.

Along with the said accomplishments, he is an Honorary Associate of the Samskriti Foundation, Mysore, and an Honorary Editor and Advisor for research projects such as:

  1. Preparation of a comprehensive dictionary of yoga
  2. Preparation of an electronic descriptive catalog of manuscripts dealing with science and technology
  3. Preparation of the history of the philosophy of Visistadvaita and other projects.

Last but not least, he has authored five books and has edited &published more than 50 books on various topics in his field of expertise.

Donation to Yogavjnana Foundation

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Schedule of Classes

Course Curriculum

2 Subjects

"Annam Brahma 2" - Talks

10 Learning Materials

Annam Brahman Stories

Annam Brahman Story from Chandogya Upanishad

External Link

The Hand that serves the food

External Link

"Veg vs Non Veg food" by Vinay Siddaiah

Food for Yoga Sadhaka - Veg vs Non Veg

External Link

Previous Talk by Dr M A Alwar on "The Role of food in the practice of Yoga"

About Vidwan Dr. M.A. Alwar

Recording of the talk

External Link

Session 1: Food as mentioned in the Upanishads

Class Recording - Food as Mentioned in Upanishads

External Link

Session 2: Role of food in the spiritual evolution of the human beings

Class recording: Role of food in the spiritual evolution of the human beings

External Link

Session 3: Classification of food based on various criteria

Class recording: Classification of food based on various criteria

External Link

Session 4: Preparation, consumption, and serving of food

Class recording: Preparation, consumption, and serving of food

External Link

Session 5: Food traditions in India esp South India

Class recording: Food traditions in India esp South India

External Link

"Annam Brahma 2" - Talks

10 Learning Materials

Annam Brahman Stories

Annam Brahman Story from Chandogya Upanishad

External Link

The Hand that serves the food

External Link

"Veg vs Non Veg food" by Vinay Siddaiah

Food for Yoga Sadhaka - Veg vs Non Veg

External Link

Previous Talk by Dr M A Alwar on "The Role of food in the practice of Yoga"

About Vidwan Dr. M.A. Alwar

Recording of the talk

External Link

Session 1: Food as mentioned in the Upanishads

Class Recording - Food as Mentioned in Upanishads

External Link

Session 2: Role of food in the spiritual evolution of the human beings

Class recording: Role of food in the spiritual evolution of the human beings

External Link

Session 3: Classification of food based on various criteria

Class recording: Classification of food based on various criteria

External Link

Session 4: Preparation, consumption, and serving of food

Class recording: Preparation, consumption, and serving of food

External Link

Session 5: Food traditions in India esp South India

Class recording: Food traditions in India esp South India

External Link

Course Instructor

tutor image

Vidwan Dr. M.A. Alwar

1 Courses   •   311 Students

Vidwan Dr. M.A. Alwar

Dr. M A Alwar is a renowned professor of Nyaya Sastra from Govt. Maharaja’s Sanskrit College, Mysore, Karnataka Sanskrit University. He's been a current professor at the university for 20 years, teaching Indian Philosophy and logic texts at the graduate and postgraduate levels. In addition, he has been a research scholar for three years at the Indian Council of PhilosophicalResearch in New Delhi &in Rashtriya Sanskrit VidyapeethaTirupathi.

Being the current Hon. Project Director of Transdisciplinary University, Foundation for the revitalization of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore, he is known for the implementation of projects such as:

  1. Digital repository of medical manuscripts and books of Karnataka
  2. A comprehensive dictionary of Ayurveda from Sanskrit to English&Kannada
  3. Critical edition, translation, and publication of rare books of Ayurveda and traditional dietetics and other such projects

He is also an approved guide for M.Phil and Ph.D. students of the Karnataka Sanskrit University who is presently guiding 5 Ph.D. students and has successfully guided 1 M.Phil student.

Along with the said accomplishments, he is an Honorary Associate of the Samskriti Foundation, Mysore, and an Honorary Editor and Advisor for research projects such as:

  1. Preparation of a comprehensive dictionary of yoga
  2. Preparation of an electronic descriptive catalog of manuscripts dealing with science and technology
  3. Preparation of the history of the philosophy of Visistadvaita and other projects.

Last but not least, he has authored five books and has edited &published more than 50 books on various topics in his field of expertise.