Amṛtabindu Upaniṣad is from Krshna Yajurveda and it talks about the importance of mind and its key feature in self realization. Control of mind paves way for many aspects of ātmajnānam. This Yoga Upaniṣhad is one of the most popular Yoga Upaniṣhads and is a must read for those who seek to unlock their mind’s true potential.
Chanting: Dr. Vishwanath M V
Audio Production: Sri. Arvind Raj
Editing: Smt. Vinutha V S
Produced by: Sri. Vinay Siddaiah, Yogavijnana
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Course Conducted by: Dr. Vishwanath M V (Adjunct Professor - Department of Heritage Science and Technology, IIT - Hyderabad, Guest Lecturer - Govt Maharaja Sanskrit college , Mysuru. Other Yoga Upanishad e-learning courses: Advaya-taraka Upanishad:
Amruta nada Upanishad:
1 Subject
7 Learning Materials
47 Courses • 12583 Students
Education and Certifications
Yoga Experience – Teaching since 2010
Corporate Experience – Total 12+ years of experience
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