The Upanishads are the roots of Yoga Philosophy. There are 20 Upanishads exclusively for Yoga that will take us beyond Asanas and Pranayamas and enlighten us on the ultimate purpose of our lives. Yoga as the crux of our life style requires the tenets of Yoga Upanishads. This unique series by Yogavijnana is to deep dive into Yoga Upanishads.
AmṛtaNādopaniṣad belongs to Kṛṣna Yajurveda. This Upaniṣad discusses
🔹 Ṣaḍanga yoga - the six limbs of yoga in detail
🔹The importance of abhyāsa of yoga
🔹Yoga’s ultimate outcome.
In a series of lectures, we shall explore all the mantras and their subsequent commentary composed by Upanishad Brahma Yogin in English.
Check out the below video for more details
Total Classes
1 Subject
9 Learning Materials
7 Courses • 239 Students
Dr. Vishwanath M V currently serves as a Guest Lecturer in the department of Alankara Shastra, Government Maharaja Sanskrit College, Mysuru. He is also serving as an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Heritage Sciences at IIT-Hyderabad. His thesis titled Śrīmadvālmīkirāmāyaṇe Saṃvādavimarśaḥ was awarded with a PhD from BHU, Varanasi. He has three master’s degree in Sanskrit, Alaṅkāraśāstra and Phalita Jyautiṣam. His research areas include Sanskrit literature, Rāmāyaṇa, Sāmkhya Philosophy, Arthaśāstram, Nimitta, Śakuna and Phalita Jyautiṣam.
He is currently the Principal Investigator of a research project titled Demarcation of Rāmakathā through Samvāda funded by IKS division of Ministry of Education, Government of India.
He has published four research papers in referred journals. He has also contributed four chapters in the Kannada translation of Mānasollāsa published by Karnataka Sanskrit University, Bangalore. He has presented research papers in many seminars and conferences. He has also delivered several talks on Sāṃkhya, Jyautiṣam and Bhagavadgītā. Series of talks on Kumārasambhavam and Śiśupālavadham in Sanskrit, Kuvalayānanda and Śrimadbhāgavatam in Kannada, Rasagaṅgādhara in Hindi are being made available on YouTube channel Guruguhalahari.
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